How To Ace Any Computer Science Course

7 min readJan 5, 2023

Doing well in Computer Science courses can be challenging. There is a heavy workload, requirements are ambiguous, and don’t get me started on trying to fix a bug at 2 AM. After taking and TAing the hardest University classes I discovered the strategies to ace any Computer Science course.

You don’t need to be a genius to apply these strategies. I saw average students increase their marks because they used these tips. In this post, I will share the strategies and how you can use them to succeed in your Computer Science classes.

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1 Have the prerequisites. You should complete the prerequisites and recommended prerequisites before taking a course. Otherwise, you will be at a disadvantage compared to other students. Not having the prerequisites makes acing courses much harder.

However, I also consider an interest in the course as a prerequisite. It’s easier to study for a course if you genuinely want to learn the material. Take courses that cover topics you are interested in.

Unfortunately, sometimes you will just need to take one of those courses you could not care less about. Try to develop an interest in the content. Try to find something that would inspire you. If you don’t like statistics, you could read about the recent machine-learning applications. If you need to take a theoretical CS course, maybe…




I am currently a backend engineer. I like to research new topics and blog about them.