How we Made a Community & E-Learning Platform using MERN Stack

4 min readAug 16, 2021

This summer I worked with 6 friends to develop Baobab, a Community & E-learning platform for the African Impact Challenge. We chose the name Baobab as the Baobab tree is a tree indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa that can thrive where little else can.

Baobab’s end goal is to serve young African entrepreneurs with a platform where they can connect with others, form teams, submit deliverables, and bring their ideas to life. Baobab is an all-in-one platform to help entrepreneurs build their brands, learn valuable skills, and meet new people. We implemented the ability to create posts, solve and get feedback on assignments created by mentors and admins, and create profiles.

A Discussion Board

Team Workflow

We followed Scrum and Agile methodologies while developing the project. We divided the work into 4 sprints and held sprint planning and retrospective meetings, as well as regular standups. In the sprint planning meeting we selected five user stories to implement from the product backlog. We estimated how many points each story is worth using the Poker Play strategy. Then, we divided each user story into specific backend and frontend…




I am currently a backend engineer. I like to research new topics and blog about them.